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Learn about the features Astro has to offer.


Astro is designed to be lightweight and efficient, and has been shown to have no performance impact on servers with 200+ players.


Astro is designed to be highly configurable, giving you the ability to tailor it to your server's needs. If desired, there is an API available for customizing behavior.

Advanced Checks

Astro has a wide variety of checks, allowing you to detect a wide variety of cheats. Checks are designed to be as accurate as possible, without falses. and are constantly being improved.


Astro is compatible with the majority of spigots, and is updated to be compatible with latest releases (1.8+-latest).

*Note: Astro is not compatible with bedrock edition servers, however, it does support bedrock edition clients


If you run into any problems or have questions, support is available from other customers and the developers, we are always happy to help.


Astro is constantly being updated with new detections, features, and bug fixes.


Genuine customer experiences - the good and the bad.

Gamer -9/5/2022

Movement checks are still really good and I’d rate them a solid 9.5/10 Combat checks are also still good and not much has changed since December because they’re still strong. The combat checks have major potential in an update coming relatively soon. For now, they’re still a 9/10. Falses and random bugs are rare on Astro but if a false or bug is found, it will be patched quickly so I’m giving it a 10/10 on falses/bug fixes.

Simply -9/10/2022

For once I can be confident that what I'm using represents my server well feels like Astro's got my back. Everytime I've had an issue an astro dev hops on and tells me what the issue is an fixed it shortly after. No falses, no crap and Simply the best anticheat.

IgnCutie- -11/15/2022

10/10 good anticheat but has bugs but get fixed if u report them, good support

Wlther -11/16/2022

Definitely the best anticheat out there, its much less resource intensive compared to vulcan but it can false sometimes. That being said whenever theres a false ban or anything like it there is always an astro dev on my server working to fix it and its patched within the day.

Glitch -11/22/2022

as an anti-cheat, it copes with its functions better than any other. The only one is a very big drawback: No Windows support

Teco -11/24/2022

Movement checks are ok, I have had some issues with them, but bug fixes and increasing the alert VL has fixed that. Astro's Combat checks are where they shine, the best I've ever seen. It detects 99% velocity, 3.02 reach, and with almost no false flags. Most bugs are patched very quickly, and there are frequent updates.

NotAdam -12/5/2022

Pretty average anticheat. There's less falses now, it was my server that had problems not the anti cheat. And awesome support that finally helped me fix my server problems. Still some falses, mostly movement. But they get fixed pretty fast. One thing tho is that it doesn't work to reload with plugman (atleast i don't think). Recomended anti cheat.


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